U.S. Senate


ARIZONA | Capt. Mark Kelly

A retired U.S. Navy combat pilot, engineer, and NASA astronaut and husband to former Congresswoman, Gabby Giffords, who was critically injured when a gunman took aim at she and others at a constituents meeting held in Tucson. Six people were killed in the attack and 13 injured, including Rep. Giffords. In 2013, in the wake of the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Mark and his wife Gabby co-founded the organization ‘GIFFORDS,’ which unites veterans, law enforcement officials, gun owners, faith leaders, and Americans of all stripes to reduce gun violence and make our communities safer. Kelly’s priorities as Senator would be to ensure access to affordable health care, improve Veteran services, grow the economy, protect Social Security and Medicare, fight for common sense gun safety laws, and more.


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IOWA | Theresa Greenfield

After her first husband was killed in a tragic accident at work, workers’ compensation and Social Security enabled her to return to school and head down a new career path. “They saved my life,” she has said of the benefits. “They helped me restart my life. Those are a hand-up, not a hand-out. Theresa's run for Senate promises to protect Social Security, strengthen rural hospitals, fight for access to affordable health care, strengthen public education, grow Iowa’s economy, better serve our veterans, protect women's reproductive rights, and more.



KANSAS | Dr. Barbara Bollier

A state senator and former moderate Republican who switched parties in 2018, Barbara is running for U.S. Senate to expand economic opportunity for working families. As a medical doctor, she is a powerful defender of a woman’s right to make their own health care decisions. She is also a champion for public education, access to affordable health care, expanding Medicaid in Kansas, and more.



KENTUCKY | Amy McGrath

When Amy was 13, she dreamed of becoming a fighter pilot, but women were not yet allowed to serve in combat roles in our military. She wrote her Senator to ask him to change the law. She never heard back from Senator, Mitch McConnell and today she is running against him. After the laws were finally changed, Amy attended the U.S. Naval Academy and was commissioned as a Marine Corps officer in 1997. She went on to serve 20 years in the Marines. In 2002, as a weapons systems officer, Amy became the first woman in the Marine Corps to fly a combat mission in an F/A-18. Her priorities as Senator are to make health care affordable and accessible to everyone, create programs that would offer opportunities for debt-free higher education; get dark money out of politics, take on climate change, be a strong voice in support of reasonable gun safety laws, and more.


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MAINE | Sara Gideon

Sara is currently serving her second term as Maine's speaker of the House. She has passed landmark legislation to help families gain financial independence, and worked tirelessly to pass bills that lifted Maine families out of poverty and increased the number of higher-skilled workers. She is pro-choice and a fierce advocate for expanding access to quality health care. She is a leading voice in the Maine’s legislature drawing attention to the opioid crisis in the state and has worked hard to deliver resources for treatment and prevention. She is dedicated to promoting renewable energy sources, building a clean energy economy for Maine, and more.




His grandfather was the son of slaves and went on to found the first Mississippi hospital for African Americans. Following his grandfather’s passion for public service, Espy was the first African American U.S. Sec. of Agriculture and the first to represent MS in the Congress since the Reconstruction era. Today Espy centers his run for Senate on creating greater opportunities for agriculture in his state, improving the quality of public education, growing the Mississippi economy, and more.



NORTH CAROLINA | Cal Cunningham

An Army Veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan, business leader, and former legislator who serves as Vice Chairman of Governor Cooper's Crime Commission. As a legislator, Cunningham fought for smaller class sizes, higher teacher pay, and investments in early childhood education and the state's community college system. He also fought for landmark clean air legislation, land preservation, and campaign finance reform. Cunningham’s priorities as Senator are to lower costs and improve access to health care, improve education, take on climate change, protect women's health and rights, prevent gun violence, reform Washington, and more.



SOUTH CAROLINA | Jaime Harrison

The son of a single teenage mom, and raised by his grandparents in Orangeburg, South Carolina, Jaime overcame the challenges of grinding poverty with the help of teachers and mentors who believed in him. From a mobile home to Yale University and Georgetown Law, Jaime never forgot who he was or where he came from. He served as the Chair of the South Carolina Democratic Committee and now runs for the US Senate on a platform focused on fighting poverty, protecting voter rights, investing in public education and making higher learning affordable. His goals are to grow the middle class, secure access to affordable healthcare, protect Medicare, push for greater federal investment in SC infrastructure, and more. 



TEXAS | Mj Hegar

MJ is an Air Force combat veteran who was injured by enemy gunfire, received the Purple Heart for her injuries, and is one of only a few women to be awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross with Valor. Unable to fly due to her injuries, MJ learned she was unable to apply for a military job she wanted because she was a woman. She set out to change the rules and was one of the plaintiffs in the ACLU’s lawsuit against the U.S. secretary of defense. In the end, the combat exclusion policy was repealed and no longer limits women’s opportunities for advancement in the military. Mj’s priorities as Senator are to provide access to affordable health care, protect Medicare and Social Security, better serve our Veterans; take on climate change, cost-effective childcare, the country’s gun violence epidemic, and more.